The jewels

From the high heavens descend the Holy Spirits of the Nature Kingdom to connect in consciousness to plant forms

In the form of tinctures and songs, we are excited to offer you the opportunity to bring in the divine blueprint frequencies of specific plants that we have been guided to work with.

Already landed


Open your heart to your higher self, connect to your guides and teachers, receive the light of your Soul and hold it in your body.


Find the pathway to the temple of your heart and receive and plant the seeds that will land as an abundant future.


Make space for a new beginning, peel off the layers that no longer serve you and nurture yourself with what you need.


Find the strength and the courage to face the obstacles with a fearless attitude, protecting yourself from old shadows.


Understand and accept the duality of your existence, the light and the dark, the masculine and the feminine.


Gather the strength to kick out those fears that slow you down. Remember who you are and where you belong.

Coming next…

We have already connected in some ways to other plants that we want to work with in the future. Some of them are named below:

  • American Skullcap - Already in!

  • Yew - In progress - coming soon!

  • Rose - In progress

  • Oak

  • Hazel

  • Walnut

  • African redwood


“I reunite the plants with the design of their original creation using the sounds of creation of the Avatars and Codes of creation of the Elohim. By commanding the light of the Holy Spirit, each plants gifts can be seen in the patterns that the Fire Elementals make as they reunite with the nature spirit of the materialised form. Each tincture has the unique, divine gifts of each individual plants, which we are then able to receive with prayer and intention.”

It is a huge privilege to work with Maraya. I met her a few years ago and I’ve been doing some personal work with her since then. I have no words to express what she does, her gifts and her work are life changing and I can’t thank the universe enough for putting her in my path.

Having experienced by myself the power of the tinctures, I am thrilled to share them now with those of you willing to welcome the plant spirits with respect and an open heart. I’m sure they will support you in ways you can’t possibly imagine.

Below you will find a link to her website, where you can check in more detail all that she does: individual sessions, teachings, books, audio recordings, art work, etc.